I saw a bumper sticker the other day that said, “Remember who you wanted to be”. Since then I’ve been amusing myself with that very activity.
When I was a kid I wanted to be the typical fare. Album cover artist. Astronomer. Rock star. Punk hairstylist. Jackhammer operator. Okay, maybe not all those are typical. But none are too exciting to think about for very long anymore. In short time I switched my thoughts to what would I do NOW, if I could do anything. Here are the top 3 dream jobs of mine, in no particular order.
Stormchaser. Yet another “Clew is a Nerd” fact: I’m obsessed with the weather. I consult my Weatherbug radar several times a day and even bought a clock radio with a NOAA band feature so I could keep tabs on exciting developments. Here's a secret, I once read a 600+ page casebook about unusual weather phenomena, just for fun. Shhh, don't tell anyone. Anyway - plain old rain is a drag, but I LOVE storms. Growling winds, dazzling lightning, chest rattling thunder, deep bruise colored clouds. Awesome forces of nature, just awesome. I can’t think of many scenarios more exciting than chasing thunderheads and funnels across the plains. If it weren’t for all that dang waiting around in between.
Medical Examiner. Remember that show “Quincy”? I loved that show. I was only 9 when that series started and my mom had serious doubts about her little girl’s normalcy, watching such a show. But I loved it. I still love forensics – not just CSI shows, but the real docudrama ones too. I love the whole piecing together what happened thing. I’d only want the neat and tidy cases, though. Nobody who’s already blackened and juicy with rot, please.
Movie critic. Honestly – doesn’t the world need a REAL PEOPLE’s movie critic? Someone with real world tastes, who will tell you like it is? Seriously, I’ll tell you when something’s really good or really stinks. Or if it stinks but is worth seeing for the great action or effects. When to save your money and when to really get excited. What’s truly funny and what truly just insults your intelligence. I think I’m the woman for that job. And no foppy Frenchy French foreign film reviews from me. Who sees subtitled movies in real life? Anyone? If I want to read, I’ll stay home with a book.
Are any of these too much to ask? I don’t think so. I'm preparing my resume now ... I'm sure I'm a shoe-in for any of these.
2 days ago
Mine is similar to your medical examiner job. I would love to be a crime scene investigator. I'd also love to do research and investigating for a law firm.
It awes me sometimes how similar we are.
cool jobs.
I'd visit you on the job....
can I be your "bring your daughter to work day" kid....
I know you're not old enough to be my mother...you can say I was adopted.
The Pup
If you get the job as a storm chaser, check and see if they have an opening for a silver haired old lady. That's something I have always wanted to do!
I loved Quincy. That show rocked.
I wanted to be a meteorologist, a chef, a cop and then an FBI agent. And here I am...an accounting bookkeeper. *sigh*
OMG Pete. You are so rotten!!! I've missed your snarkyness!!!
Of course I wanted to be a vet...and sometimes I still think I'd want to work in a vet's office. But then I think about the reality - not all the pets get to go home. AND sometimes the people who own pets, just don't do right by them. Too much sadness.
But now I'd like to be one of those researchers that goes on TV in the lab coats and tells us about really obvious things that they just spent months researching, like exericise and a healthy diet will lead to weight loss. I want to be one of those guys. That looks easy. And you get to wear a lab coat...
Ah, a kindred soul. I LOVE storms. In my next life I'm going to be a storm-chaser, too.
I've become a "Top Chef" junky- one of Bravo's new reality shows. And, ever since then I've been dreaming of competing as a Top Chef.
I just love Dave. If you ever catch the show, look for Dave. He's so spicy and sweet. He cries. I want to pinch his cheeks.
I've also had a fascination with doing make up for movie sets.
I wasn't surprised about your job choices except for the medical examiner. But that's cool - just something about you I didn't know. *Learn something new everyday. hehe
I like anything that involves my imagination. The less I'm in reality the happier I am. LOL Seriously though, I love to create.
Sorry to hear you've been ill, Clew, Hope you are feeling better.
Have you seen 'Dr. G. Medical Examiner' on Discovery Channel? She's cool.
I'm doing what I always wanted to do..Hair!
Or, it would be fun to be an architect/designer/decorator.
Well, I did want to be a 'movie star'once upon a time. LOL
I'm so with ya on the Movie critic.
I do NOT get the concept of subtitles?????
I never watch the Oscars because 9 times out of 10 I've never even heard of the "award winning" films.
If they're so damn "award winning" how come I've never even heard of them?!?!?!
I say we go into business together I can already see and hear it...."Chesneygirl and Clew - 2 thumbs up"
My momma worried about me too...wanted to be a truck driver at one point...then a prosecuting attorney like Bagelosi (or something like that...he sounded close to Leo Buscaglia)...who prosecuted Charles Manson and his crew and wrote "Helter Skelter"...mom thought I was a Manson freak cause I reread the book 4 or 5 times but I was obsessed with how they were found out and how Buggy (or whatever his name is) acutally convinced the jury of the Helter Skelter concept...
I wanted to be in the FBI or a forest range at Yellowstone or somewhere else so vast I would have to live off the land for 6 months in solitude...
Damn woman kept talking about therapy...?????
These are awesome. 1) I think we all wanted to be storm chasers after seeing Twister. I know I did :-). 2) I loved the show Quincy too and I'm sure I wasn't much older than 9 either (strange children that we were :-). 3) I've actually decided recently that TV shows need to hire me for my opinion. They keep making stupid mistakes that tick my friends and I off and I could help prevent that, I'm sure :-)!!
My son has gone from garbage man to a zamboni driver!
You and I are so much alike Clew. Forensic Psychology and Criminalistics would totally have been my college choice had I not gone for Broadcasting. Like if I chose a more "real" profession.
AND - I used to write movie reviews for a magazine at my work and used to think "I can totally do this for a living!" until I realized that you make zippo deniro! hahaha...
Have a lovely Mother's Day sistah.... ;)
I've always wanted to be an MTV VJ. Ever since the days of Paul E Shore and Kennedy, it's seemed like the best job on earth. Who wouldn't want to get paid to be a total ass on national TV? But looking at the newest crop of VJ's I'm starting to wonder if I'd fit in anymore. They seem a bit too image conscious for my liking and I haven't seen a propensity or willingness to make total fools of themselves.
But if I had my druthers, I'd scrap everything to be a professional writer. And I'm no longer just talking about it. I'm making it happen....one blog at a time. lol!!
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