I have had the creeps all day.
My neighbor down the road was killed today. He was stabbed in the abdomen, in his home, by some guy who just got released from prison. Apparently he knew the guy because he told the deputy his name before dying from his wounds. The perpetrator was long gone by then, and could've been anywhere. A statewide manhunt was launched.
The whole thing is particularly troublesome to me, because we moved way out here into Sticksville in order to get away from some of the dangers of city living. There's some sort of Mayberry-esque illusion to life that comes with country living - an ungrounded impression that you are somehow safer. Not that we've ever felt comfortable enough to leave our doors unlocked or anything like that - but you just kind of figure the dangers of modern life are a little more distant from you.
In many ways they probably are. But bad stuff happens everywhere.
Earlier this evening the killer was apprehended and taken into custody. But that didn't help ease the creepy feeling that someone was watching me through our windows.
1 week ago
That is so scary! Praying for peace for you.
I think safety as I knew it when I was a child and even a young mother is a thing of the past. It seems there is a lot of evil out there.....I don't know if it's because of better reporting we hear more of it or the world is just getting more rotten!
That has got to be one of the scariest things to happen in a country neighbor......praying for ease of mind for you and your neighbors!
I am SO sorry ... that is REALLY scary.
Learn to shoot really tight groups.
Oh Clew!! That is so scary! I hope that you can find peace of mind soon, I know I would be frazzled.
lol @ bwh...
Everyday, I get out of bed and I feel creepy too.
I creep to the bathroom...
I creep at getting dressed...
I creep to work....
Yep, I'm just creepy... lol
I am sorry that this happened so close to your home. It is scary. Although we live in a small town also, big crimes still happen here. As you said, bad stuff happens everywhere. But that doesn't make it any less scary.
Shake it off. They knew each other, so it wasn't a random act of violence. You stand a better chance of winning the lottery than someone coming into your home for nefarious reasons. But if they do, shoot the sob.
HOLY CRAP! I'd be freaked out too! I'm so glad they caught the guy. Hope you can find some peace. Love ya sis!
Somehow, I knew, you were not in need of target practice.
My town makes Mayberry look like Compton, yet we still get the occasional violent crime. Mostly it's domestic (the Vinyl Siding King of the Northeast strangling his wife, for example).
It happens. Whether it happens down the street or on the other side of the tracks, the perception of safety is just an illusion. If someone is going to kill you, it'll probably be your husband (or your kids), statistically speaking.
That's terrible! And you are right- bad stuff does happen everywhere.
Off the subject, but back when I was looking at houses, I feared choosing one that had a history of someone dying a horrific death. I have this thing about how I feel sometimes dwellings retain certain things. Strange I know...Most of the houses I viewed were very old with plenty of history.
Hope your creeps go away in a timely manner. At least this was a situation in which the guy knew his killer rather than it being random...if that gives some comfort to you.
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