Animal abuse is up in the city I live near. So much so that the Humane Society can’t keep up with investigations and is now farming some of the cases out to other associations willing to help with them.
What’s wrong with people? Seriously, what it WRONG with people?
While I eat meat, own leather, and am not a supporter of PETA (for reasons I won’t get into here, but I’ll simply say I’ve learned they’re not as angelic as they like to put across), I have a heart for animals. I love my dog, and most any dog, more than a huge percentage of people I’ve met in my life. I believe that God put man over dominion of the animals, with allowances of domestication for labor, food, clothing and companionship - but we were meant to be responsible stewards, treating them with kindness and compassion – without waste and without causing undue suffrage or cruelty. Those that depend on us, we should treat with kindness and respect.
The woman on the news last night was in trouble for starving her dog to death. She’d disposed of the dead dog in a dumpster and its emaciated body had been discovered shortly afterwards. The woman said it was all a misunderstanding. “I can barely afford to feed my kids. Am I going to take food out of the mouths of my kids to feed the dog? I fed it table scraps when I could.”
Well, genius, maybe you shouldn’t have a dog if you can’t properly care for it. Even life at a shelter would offer some good meals and care for the dog. At least it wouldn’t have suffered a slow death of starvation while it watched you higher beings eat in front of it. Even if it got the needle in a few days after no one adopted it, it would be a better end than what you gave it.
You disgust me. You thoroughly disgust me.
What’s worse is this story is a mild one. And to each who bring unnecessary suffering to the creatures who depend on them for their livelihood, I hope you each die a slow painful death. You deserve it.
1 week ago
I know what you mean. I used to leave Animal Planet on the TV for my dog while I was out but I can't anymore because he gets too worked up over Animal Cops. So now its all NFL Network all the time.
AC - I can always count on you to lighten the mood. ;)
I was coming in to mention Animal Cops, but I was beaten to it. One of the places I've worked had a TV, and one of my co-workers would always want to watch Animal Cops, and then afterwards we'd be so horribly worked up and upset about the state of some of the animals we'd seen. I have no idea why she kept wanting to watch it.
There are some truly sick, stupid people out there in the world.
Yes.....a slow painful full of suffering death is exactly what they deserve!
I stopped reading half way through deciding that it wasn't anything I wanted to know. I'm like a kid that way. If there is a dead animal in the road, I turn so I don't see it. It's just better for me that way.
Clew, I hunt, fish, wear leather, fur and felt. Animals are delicious. I don't believe animals have rights. Yet, I support you in this. I too believe responsible stewardship of the earth and its creatures is a God given duty of man.
Beyond all that, animal cruelty is an indicator that a person has some screws loose. If a person takes joy in the suffering of any creature, how can they feel about me? How do they value the life of my children?
I would rather that this woman ate the dog than do what she did. Starving that dog was detestable.
Most animal cruelty laws are just and right. They should be enforced. Getting angry about this does not make you silly. It shows that you have a conscience.
jeesh! great post. One of your best. I agree with you 110% on disturbing, we people, are.
It's just sick!
Karma's a real bitch - those people will come back as abused animals in their next life.
Very sad. I can't stand to watch animal cops on The Animal Planet.
Right on Sistah. There are few people I hate more than child abusers (including pedophiles) and animal abusers.
It sickens me.
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