Actually my blogversary was yesterday. But I had my head up my butt as usual.
Here's to a fun first year of blogging! I raise a glass to all the wonderful people I've met along the way - thank you all for enriching my life!
2 days ago
A fusion of Confusion.
A veritable thought salad with no real common thread.
Things herein might be true, or might be a fabrication.
Hard to say. It's all part of my intoxicating mystique.
Sometimes silly, sometimes serious, usually pointless.
Sometimes I might say a few bad words and get a little
out of hand. Sorry 'bout that. But this *IS* my blog.
You wanna take it outside? HUH?
No Clew, it is you who have enriched our lifes!! HUGS friend!
Happy Blogversary, Clew. We raise a glass back to you, young lady.
God bless.
And thank you for enriching ours! Happy Blogversary to YOU!!!
Happy Anniversary!
Happy Anniversary!
Happy Anniversary!
Haaaaaaaapy Anniversary!!!!
Happy blogversary! The blogosphere is a better place because the Lady Clew is in it.
i have only been around the blog scene since february. congratulations on your first of many years in the blogsphere!
A year huh? Cool! I'm glad we met Clew my dear! Well not met in person but you know what I mean!
Well, Happy Blogversary! I can't remember when I first began blogging. It almost feels like I've blogged for years though I know that I haven't.
You have been very helpful to me and I'm glad we were able to meet via the blogging world.
Cool, A year. ope I don't fizzle out before then!!
hope, that is...
LYC. Imagine a long tall pilsner filled with Franziskaner. Prost!
Keep up the good work!
(See, I haven't forgotten you.)
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