A friend sent me a link for the Urban Dictionary, which has been loads of fun. I entered Clew in there and learned it's a slang term for dog - an acronym for the following:
Canine Lipstick Engine Weasel!
For some reason, that's amused me all day.
Go have fun with the link and tell me what you learn. Meanwhile, happy Valentine's Day! I prefer soft center chocolates. ;)
2 days ago
Or perhaps you would enjoy a visit from a dear friend more?
I knew before you, Clew!!! LOL
I like coconut myself!
Happy Valentine's Day, Clew! <3
oops....I was trying to make a little heart with the <3 Maybe that only works on Facebook! haha
Well, I missed the whole Valentine thing, but hope you had a happy one.
As for Stacy....A woman who dresses in lumberjack apparel and shouts out orders in ebonics to the people who work for her. Ex:
I tells everyone hows they supposed to be busy when theys dont have no rag in they hands clean them hidden cameras cuz I feels like being a Stacy today...
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