For the A to Z Challenge - Letter C.
Inspired by another blogger, I thought I'd jot a haiku cluster for my A to Z Challenge today. I wrote this in the car while Incrediboy was at a birthday party, so don't expect much ;).
Currents running on
Perpetual, as clockwork
Slide in, then suck out -
Or is it down? Leeching to
Some otherworld place
Currents running on
Indifferent to this place
As any other
I imagine, hard,
Body evaporating
My soul running down
Now part of the sea
Flesh, memories, burdens, life
All left behind me.
2 days ago
am reading along, though not always commenting. love the a to z!
Even in a haiku you manage to say a lot. I love what goes on in your head. :)
very nice poem. happy c day!
I love the part "My soul running down". I am not sure why that particular part captured me so much, but it did. What a great "C" post!
I love the feeling of motion in this poem. Lovely.
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